Testicular Atrophy In Intact Males

An intact male dog or cat is not neutered, also known as testicular atrophy, which means that the male reproductive organs diminish in size and may be accompanied by loss of function. Testicular atrophy in intact males can occur in both dogs and cats and is characterized by the shrinking of one or both testes. There are several health issues that can cause testicular atrophy in intact males including high environmental temperatures, fever, scrotal dermatitis, scrotal edema and periorchitis. Other causes include chemotherapy, advanced ageing, epididymitis, tumors and various medications.

Pet Insurance

When adding a dog or cat to your family you want to make sure your pet is happy, healthy and protected. During its lifetime your pet is exposed to many illnesses and diseases and some breeds are affected by a congenital disease which is a condition existing at birth. At these moments when your pet is ill or maybe needs surgery, you want to be protected for the unexpected and high veterinarian costs.

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