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How To Trim Your Dogs Nails

Trimming a dog’s nails regularly is an important part of good pet health. Overly long nails can be painful to walk on and can even contribute to arthritis. Some dogs have easier nails to clip than others.  There are a few easy tips to help make the nail clipping experience go smoothly. Dog Nail Clipping TipsMany people may be worried about cutting dog nails too short. Healthy pets need regular nail trimmings.… Read More…

Top 5 Dog Grooming Basics

Many people are looking to do their own grooming in this economy. Learning how to groom a dog is incredibly rewarding. It is a great way to save money and bond with one’s pet. There are five Dog Grooming basics that every pet owner should be familiar with. Dog Grooming EquipmentBefore grooming  begins, one should have all of the necessary equipment gathered. Sometimes, the most important thing is having a great helper.… Read More…

How Often Does My Dog Need Grooming

In addition to optimal nutrition, routine veterinary examinations and physical exercise, dog grooming routines are an important part of your pet’s overall health. There are several aspects of grooming, most of which may be easily accomplished at home. Dog Grooming TipsThe long and short of it: Dogs with smooth coats require little more brushing than a weekly sweep with a slicker dog brush to remove dull, dead hairs. This will assist with undercoat shedding, resulting in a sleeker appearance.… Read More…

How To Clean Your Pets Ears

Just like small children, most pets do not like getting their ears cleaned. However, it is essential that you clean your pet’s ears weekly to inspect them for ear mites and prevent ear infections. This is especially true for pets that have large, floppy ears, as they are prone to infections. What Can Wax Build-up Do to Pets?Without regular ear cleaning, wax can build up in your dog or cat’s ears inhibiting proper air flow.… Read More…

How To Give Your Dog A Bath

How to wash a dog ? Do you ever wonder if giving your dog a bath is as simple as you think? There is a right way and a wrong way to bathe your dog. When you do it correctly, you and your dogwill both enjoy the experience. How to Wash a DogHere are the correct steps to follow: Dog Grooming Supplies Before bathing your dog, gather the dog grooming supplies that you’ll need and put them near the dog wash tub.… Read More…

How Often Should You Trim Your Dogs Nails

Ever wondered how and how often you should  trim your dog’s nails ? Dogs’ toenails grow just like humans’: at different rates. Knowing when and how to trim your dog’s nails is simply a matter of attention and practice. Tips on Trimming Dog NailsThough dog grooming  is a popular service, you can easily trim your dog’s nails at home. Follow these tips and you will be succesfull in  trimming your dog’s nails: Dog Nail ClippersThe first thing that you’ll need is a good set of dog nail clippers.… Read More…

Cat And Dog Grooming

Attitude aside, there are some cat  and dog breeds  that require more grooming than others. It’s important to understand this before you select a pet based on looks alone. If you don’t want to spend time or money on cat and dog grooming supplies, there are pets that you should avoid. The Most High Maintenance Cats and Dogs Persian Cats The Persian  is a lovely cat breed. Persians  are popular among singles and families alike.… Read More…

Pet Grooming Supplies

Pet grooming is not just for show dogs and cats. In fact, regular grooming is essential for your pet’s overall health. The good news is that you do not have to break your wallet when purchasing pet grooming equipment. Listed below are the most important pet supplies you should have. Proper Pet Grooming Supplies Brush and Comb Never use a human brush on your dog or cat, as animal brush e s have bristles that are specially made for pets.… Read More…

Why You Should Never Clip Your Cats Whiskers

If you are a cat  owner, you may have asked yourself on occasion: ‘ why do cats have whiskers ?’ Some people think that whiskers are much like fur and clip or even fully cut off. However, this is simply not so. Cat whiskers are essential to cats and are functional parts of their bodies. Why Do Cats Have Whiskers? Whiskers do not exist to simply make your cat cute. Whiskers are part of your cat ‘s sensory system, which are made up of delicate nerve endings that allow them to feel even the slightest touch such as a gentle breeze.… Read More…

How To Brush Your Dogs Teeth Properly

When most people think about regular dog health care, they think about annual checkups and vaccinations. However, you need to make sure that you keep your dog’s teeth clean as well. If you neglect your pet’s teeth, it can develop such things as tartar buildup and periodontal disease. Furthermore, if your dog develops periodontal disease, the condition can also result in bad breath, tooth loss and life-threatening infections. Not only is periodontal disease  extremely painful for your dog, but infections can lead to serious problems with the heart, kidneys  and liver.… Read More…

How To Bathe A Cat

Typically, cats  are able to keep quite clean by licking themselves. However, there may be occasions when your kitty will get excessively dirty requiring a thorough bath. If you have ever tried to give your cat a bath before, you probably already know that it can be a difficult job. Nevertheless, learning how to bathe a cat properly is actually quite easy when you use the following useful tips. When Should You Bathe a CatAs any cat owner knows, cats spend a lot of their waking hours grooming  themselves.… Read More…

Shaving A Dog Or Cat

With rising temperatures, you may be wondering if your pet will be more comfortable if you have its hair shaved. This is a question that creates heated arguments among many different people. When deciding whether or not you should shave your pet, it is essential for you to know that pets are not like people and their needs vary from one another as well. Different Breeds Have Different NeedsBefore we examine the pros and cons of shaving your dog or cat, you must first know that different breeds of pets have different needs.… Read More…

How To Trim Cat Nails

Trimming your cat’s nails regularly is an important step in caring for your cat. If a cat’s nails grow too long, they can end up growing into the pads of her paws. This can be painful, and it can result in infection. Cutting cat nails will also prevent her from inflicting scratch wounds on her face or ears if she is itchy. In addition to keeping her healthy, shorter nails will also help to preserve your carpet and sofa.… Read More…

How To Shave A Dog

Shaving a dog not only helps keep it clean and free from tangles, but it can make them feel more comfortable during hot weather as well. In fact, shaving the coat of a long-haired dog can help prevent heat exhaustion in the summer. However, if you do not have the money for a professional groomer, the following tips can help you learn how to shave your dog on your own.… Read More…

How To Shave A Cat

Hot weather can be quite miserable for long-haired cats such as Persians or Himalayans. As such, if you have a long-haired breed of cat, you may have been wondering whether or not shaving its coat will help. Tips on How to Save a CatWhile shaving cats for the summer may be beneficial, there are some things you need to take into consideration first. Terribly Matted Cat Coats Before you begin to shave your cat, you must know that it is never a good idea to shave a coat that is matted.… Read More…

How To Stop A Dog From Shedding

Shedding is one of the worst parts of dog ownership, especially if you are a person who likes a neat and tidy home. Unfortunately, shedding is part of the equation when you welcome a dog into your life. Shedding dogs aren’t dropping their hair to upset you; it’s simply a natural function of the animal. If you are wondering how to stop a dog from shedding, there are several things that you can do.… Read More…

How To Groom A Dog

While some breeds require minimal grooming efforts when it comes to their hair, all dogs benefit from a basic grooming regimen that includes the care of more than just their coat. Do it yourself dog grooming should be considered a routine part of caring for your canine companion to ensure good health. These dog grooming tips will help you to maintain your dog’s appearance and good health. Rub a Dub Dub, A Dog in a TubUnless your dog revels in rolling over stinky surfaces or is being treated for a skin condition, you should try to restrict bathing the dog to not more than once a month.… Read More…

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